Muses Radio Player

Frequently asked questions

When I use OGG or AAC audio on the Flash version, I get a Security Error Message. What's happening?

Unfortunately, playing OGG and AAC audio inside a flash requires the server to have a file named crossdomain.xml, that authorizes Muses Radio Player to access the signal.

A basic example of a crossdomain.xml file, is this:

<allow-access-from domain="*" />

Please note that this file should be placed on the STREAMING SERVER, so you'll probably need to ask your provider to place it for you.

TIP for IceCast users:
If you have access to the streaming server, on DEBIAN or UBUNTU, you may place this file on /usr/share/icecast2/web/crossdomain.xml (on windows "C:\Program Files\Icecast2 Win32\web")

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